I actually got involved by accident! My parents bought me a keyboard when I was in high school because I was trying to learn piano. Little did they know, it was actually a midi keyboard that couldn't produce sound by itself; it needed software. So, I got some and learned it. It became my favorite medium of songwriting until eventually, I became someone who produced and wrote electronically.
What are the challenges of been involved in Christian EDM?The interesting thing about the CEDM scene is that it has so much potential. There are so many young, talented artists who simply lack the exposure to get out in front of many people. And I suppose that is one of the biggest challenges.
Which places have you performed at so far?I perform a lot in Kansas City, which is where I am based out of. However more recently, I'm beginning to get a lot of requests to perform outside of the area, which is super exciting.
Have you tried DJing at church?I actually have performed at a few churches before and it was really cool! Youth groups really dig EDM.
What do you see as the biggest problem in today's church?I'd say the largest issue is that a lot of the church doesn't have a full understanding of the Gospel and what it expects of them. The Gospel is all encompassing and plays into every part of our lives, rather than just the parts we would like to let it in.
Your advice to someone just starting out with making EDM music?Just dive in. The world of production is so vast and is really so impossible to try and understand its entirety. Make what you love, learn as much as you can.
What's your favorite software?As far as software, I'm a huge fan of Native Instruments products. Massive, FM8, Reaktor, etc... they are all fantastic. Using those alongside Serum is a gold mine. For hardware, I rely on my Launchpad Pro a lot in live performances. Its my workhorse.
Any musical plans for the future?Yes! I actually have a single coming out October 27th called 'Air' alongside an EP coming at the end of this year! Look out for it.